McLaren 620R, Porsche 911 C2S, Bentley Continental Flying Spur, Hyundai Genesis, Toyota Solara се само дел од автомобилите кои беа уништени, а вкупната нивна вредност се проценува на 1,1 милиони евра.
BOC condemns a brand new P34 Million McLaren 620R and other luxury vehicles | Raffy Tima/GMA News
How fast can you lay waste to a brand new P34 Million McLaren 620R, one of only 350 produced in the whole world and a host of other luxury vehicles? Less than 30 minutes for backhoe operator Rommel Morales.
READ the whole story here:
This is the BOC’s condemnation program of smuggled vehicles, their second just this year. In February they also destroyed 17 smuggled high end vehicles.
The BOC says, rather than having these cars auctioned, they will get more revenue if smugglers are deterred from their illegal activities after seeing what will happen to their shipment. | via Raffy Tima/GMA News
Posted by GMA News on Friday, June 18, 2021

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